Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Antica Farmacia del Cinghiale uses technical, analytical and profiling cookies, also from other partners, and other tracking tools, in order to offer you a personalized service according to your preferences. The information encoded in cookies includes personal data such as IP address, user name, a unique identifier and email address. Click “Accept all Cookies” to continue browsing or “Customize” for a personalized management of the types of Cookies. Clicking on “Continue without accepting” will install only the Cookies strictly necessary. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the cookie symbol. For more information see the Cookie Policy.
We and our partners process the following data:
Store and/or access device information, Store and access geolocation information for targeted advertising purposes, Store and access geolocation information for marketing studies, Accurate geolocation data and identification through device scanning, Advertising and personalized content, performance measurement of content and ads, audience research, service development

This document constitutes information provided pursuant to art. 12-13 of the EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) on the protection of personal data and describes how cookies are managed with regard to the processing of personal data of users browsing this site.

Who is the data controller
The Data Controller is Antica Farmacia del Cinghiale Piazza Mercato Nuovo, 4/5 R – 50123 Firenze
This information is included on the website in order to provide information to interested users about the use of data held by the Data Controller through the use of cookies.

What are cookies
Cookies are strings of text that websites visited by users place and store within the device used by the user himself, so that they are then retransmitted to the same sites on the next visit, thus keeping memory of its previous interaction with one or more websites.
The information encoded in cookies includes personal data such as IP address, user name, a unique identifier and email address.

What cookies we use
The cookies that the data controller uses are:

Technical cookies: used to perform navigation or to provide a service requested by the user. They are not used for additional purposes and are installed directly from the website
Analytical cookies: are used for the purpose of collecting and analyzing information in anonymous and/or aggregated form (for example, type of Internet browser and operating system used) and statistical data on the use of a site by users (for example, web pages visited by a user; number of accesses) in order to improve the site both in terms of security and in terms of browsing experience for visitors.
Profiling cookies: they are used to observe user behavior, for example, in order to send targeted advertising, measure the effectiveness of the advertising message and adopt subsequent commercial strategies.
Only profiling cookies require the prior consent of the user to their use. To change your cookie choices click on the cookie symbol.

3.1 Third party cookies
The website uses profiling cookies also by third parties. Third-party cookies are set by a website other than the website, therefore the processing of data collected by external operators is subject to the privacy policies of the latter. The site allows you to make interactions with social networks, in particular incorporates widgets of Whatsapp and Telegram. The personal data collected through these tools are subject to the user’s privacy settings related to each social network and accessible exclusively by the managers of the same social. For more information on how the data collected by social networks are processed, please refer to the Privacy Policy of the providers of the same services.
On the website there are Google cookies, in particular Google Analytics 4. These are analysis tools that allow the collection of anonymous browsing data for the purpose of examining the use of the site by users, check their (approximate) location, track their behavior within the site and collect other information, including the number of visitors and the pages visited. For more information on how to use and manage cookies associated with Google you can consult your Cookie Policy at the following link: Some pages of the site incorporate Google Maps maps. When you visit a page containing Google Maps maps, or interact with the map (through the zoom function, or by clicking on it to enlarge it) cookies from Google may be called. Your use of the Google Maps service is also subject to the relevant additional Terms of Service visible here
In addition, may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have logged in, Antica Farmacia del Cinghiale has no control over the other websites and is not even responsible for protecting any information that is provided during your visit to the other site. We therefore invite you to read the Privacy Policy of the site in question.

The legal basis for the processing of data by cookies
The collection and use of information encoded in technical cookies are not subject to the obligation of prior acquisition of the consent of the interested party, which does not have the opportunity to disable them because, being necessary for the operation of the site, to improve or facilitate navigation and ensure the security of the site, are always active. The collection and use of the information encoded in analytical cookies is subject to the obligation to obtain prior consent, optional and informed, of the data subject. The interested party, by denying the consent or disabling the aforementioned cookies thus rejecting the related purposes will not be covered by the processing of statistical and aggregate information on the sites visited. The collection and use of information encoded in profiling cookies, including third parties, are subject to the obligation of prior explicit acquisition of the consent, optional and informed, of the data subject. The interested party denying consent or disabling the aforementioned cookies thus refusing the related purposes will not be able to receive advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed in the network navigation.
The user, at the first access to the website, displays an information banner that allows him to give informed and unequivocal consent to the use of cookies in the following ways:
clicking on the button “Accept all cookies” navigation continues, involving the provision of consent to the use of all types of cookies, including profiling, used by those who pursue the purposes of marketing and/ or profiling relating to the site;
by clicking on the “Customize” button you can manage the types of cookies, through the choice to accept or reject the specific purposes and/ or treatments that use them;
by clicking on the link “Continue without accepting” the user chooses to maintain the default settings and not to give consent to the placement of cookies or the use of other profiling techniques.
The website will not require again the consent already given except to the change of one or more of the conditions under which it was collected, where Antica Farmacia del Cinghiale modifies this Cookie Policy; if at least 6 months have passed since the previous presentation of the banner; if the user chooses to delete the cookies legitimately installed on their device.

Retention time
Cookies can remain in the system for the duration of a session (that is, until the browser used for browsing the web is closed) or for longer periods. The operating times of cookies (otherwise called “duration times”), therefore, are variable and characterize cookies that in the first case are cookies c.d. session and in the second case are defined as cookies c.d. persistent. The specific duration of any persistent cookies is defined in the policies of the vendors that affect the site.
DPO – Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer is the Antica Farmacia del Cinghiale

Rules to manually enable or disable cookies on your browser
You have the option to disable cookies at any time by changing the configuration of your browser, even manually.
If you do not use one of the listed web browsers, we suggest that you consult the online help of your browser (or any available documentation) to retrieve the necessary information. Please note that, acting as a mere technical intermediary for the links in this document, the Data Controller can not assume any responsibility in the event of any change